Health and Safety

The very best resource to find out more about this is from documents published by experts in tattooing and environmental health we have created a toolkit. You can research this here I have condensed the toolkit into practical audit which is included in this course information.

Work through this audit while setting up your treatment room and this should meet environmental health registration standards in the UK. If you’re not offering treatment in the UK this audit will enable you to set up your treatment room to the highest standard with regards to infection control and handling of blood contaminated waste.

In the UK you will need to contact a specialist waste company who will collect a clinical waste (yellow bin) and your sharps box for use needles (yellow box). These companies will supply you with a yellow bin, sharps box and yellow bin bags. You will also need a foot operated bin in the treatment room.

You also to find out what the legislation is in your area. For the most of the UK is required that you contact the local council, fill out some forms and pay a fee to register the practitioner and the treatment venue. The council environmental health officers will arrange a visit. They will check the room, your tattoo equipment and ask to see your paperwork and record keeping.

Expect to be asked questions about your working practices, however if your room is ready, you have your paperwork in place and have completed the audit you should not have any problems.

Paperwork and documentationTo become an outstanding technician you will want to protect your clients so any risk during treatment is minimised. In today’s world of accountability it is wise to protect yourself from any claims arising from negligence. Paperwork and recording evidence of thorough working methods are part of your evidence that you not being negligent of the wellbeing of your clients.

Client’s medical information. This is covered by data protection, so store it safely.

Client’s treatment plan. This is covered by data protection, so store it safely.

Client’s photographs. Showing before and after treatment. This is covered by data protection, so store it safely. Photos of treatments must be kept private. Only use of photos to show others and online if you have written agreement from your client.

Infection control audit. The treatment room needs to be set up to very high level of cleanliness in order to not put clients at risk. The audit is part of your evidence that this has been done. Consider doing a new audit on a yearly basis. Sign, date and keep this information.

Cleaning record. The treatment room and equipment needs to be kept to a very high level of cleansing and the cleaning record as part of your evidence that this has been done complete and date each day you have done treatments. Sign, date and keep this information new line

Yellow bin and Sharps box collections. Keep any documentation regarding these collections. Insurance. Many tattooist only have public liability insurance. Other tattooists have treatments covered too. This insurance can be found via insurance broker.

Certificate of training. The tatto treatments are unregulated in the UK so training standards vary widely. Reputation and quality is acquired by success of treatment.

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