The main methods of sterilisation are heat, chemical and radiation.
Sterilisation – destruction of micro-organisms.
Disinfection – some destruction of micro-organisms.
Washing Machine: For towels and headbands that are suitable for machine washing at high temperatures.
Use at 60° to 100° as the majority of germs are destroyed at this temperature.
Autoclave: Similar to a pressure cooker. Ideal for metal instruments e.g. cuticle knife, nippers, scissors. Distilled water only is used and is heated under pressure to a temperature of 121°C. Always follow manufacturer’s instructions for use.
Barbicide/Mundo: Ideal for immersion of small tools to maintain sterilisation e.g. tweezers. Ideal to place the tools in once they have been sterilised in the autoclave. ‘Barbicide’ is a trade name used in the salon. Follow manufacturers instructions for correct dilution.
Glutaraldehyde: Effective in destroying bacteria, spores and fungi. Glutaraldehyde has an expected lifespan of 14 – 28 days. Always follow manufacturer’s instructions for use.
Suitability: UV Cabinet: Not suitable for items with body fluids on them. Wash tools first. UV waves travel in straight lines and tools must be turned over to ensure both sides are completely sterilised. Grease is a barrier to sterilisation therefore the UV cabinet must be kept very clean. Not very powerful.
How it works: The UV cabinet is fitted with a mercury vapour lamp that emits uv radiation, visible as uv light at a wavelength of 254 nanometers. When the necessary does is delivered for a specific length of time then bacteria become inactive. Lamps must be changed after 2000 hours use. Always follow manufacturer’s instructions for use