TCA Anti ageing and deep blemish treatment

TCA are highly efficient treatments against slight to moderate photo ageing, wrinkles, actinic and seborhorriec Keratosis, pigmentation, acne and acne scars, lack of facial luminosity and recovery of skin texture and general skin tone.The acid action mechanism is a chemical coagulation of skin proteins and is neutralised by Plexo dermis serum. Acid penetration is progressive and decends freely through the different dermis layers. After healing the treated area forms new skin and is firmer and more elastic.

TCA %PHIndicationsRecommendation
15.00%0.8For all skin types. Stage I-II skin ageing. Photo-ageing. Medium wrinkles. Dullness. Pigmented lesions. Superficial marks. Acne scars.It can be used on any part of the body including the peri- ocular area.
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