Cryotherapy- CryoCups

Course Content

Cryotherapy is a relatively new form of non-invasive fat reduction, but has already become widespread in the Aesthetic and Beauty industry.

Please contact your training provider for dates for your in-class assessment

Your course will include extensive home study and 1 day live in-class room assessments and practical training.

7 CPD Hours- Online Training 

12 CPD Hours- With in-Class Assesment

Say goodbye to stubborn fat!

Cryotherapy is a relatively new form of non-invasive fat reduction, but has already become widespread in the Aesthetic and Beauty industry.

It is a non-surgical approach to fat reduction without damage to other cells and tissues. The treatment relies in controlled cooling of the fat tissue, sometimes in conjunction with vacuum of plate. This cooling process induces lipolysis of the fat cell through a process called ‘apoptosis’.

Apoptosis is the shrinkage and breakdown of fat cells which are then naturally metabolised and removed by the body’s own metabolism and lymphatic systems. The end results of the this is a reduction over time of the fat layer.

What Cryolipolysis is:

  • How Cryolipolysis works
  • Introduction to the operation of your machine
  • Client Consultation and Client Safety
  • Contraindications to treatment
  • Areas that can be treated
  • How to perform a treatment
  • Side Effects and Pre and Post treatment advice
  • Machine Maintenance
  • General Troubleshooting

Please contact your training provider for dates for your in-class assessment

Your course will include extensive home study and 1 day live in-class room assessments and practical training.

7 CPD Hours- Online Training 

12 CPD Hours- With in-Class Assesment

Beauty Training Portal